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Cloud Computing Solutions

We develop custom cloud solutions optimized to increase productivity, security and scalability. No challenge is out of reach. We extend our industry expertise and comprehensive cloud services through a vast global network of market leaders and innovators, by utilizing the latest technology enhanced by market leading products.

Application & Network Security

Defense against evolving and pervasive threat matrices can be complicated. Our services provide a host of programs, processes and products that ensure protection throughout your organizations infrastructure.

Managed IT Services

We’re focused on your environment around the clock. This lets you rest assured knowing the benefit of experience and monitoring developments across many infrastructures, is always there keeping your systems up and running when you need them.

Cloud/IT Consulting

Technology is constantly changing, and it can be tough to stay ahead of the curve without a dedicated team providing full-time strategic analysis and management. Our consultants can help you plan and budget for the future by providing expert guidance about what’s new and how you can leverage it.

Why Cloud Computing?

Resilience and security at scale, pay-as-you-go billing and flexibility to include all kinds of modification and third-party application — these are the main cloud computer services benefits.

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A Few Words From Our Friends

because… “Even the Lone Ranger didn’t do it alone.” – Harvey MacKay

Security Without Sacrifice

We know that speed is critical. Whether your company is just starting out, or is well into its lifecycle.  Our approach allows us to deliver the highest level of security for your product or business without delaying the development or deployment.

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Cloud Consulting Services For Your Business

Cloud is the new default destination for the businesses that want scalability, security, and cost-efficiency of their IT operations

We offer in-depth cloud consulting services to help you choose the best fit for your project. Remote consulting or on-site staffing, our cloud consulting provides, design and implementation of high-performance cloud infrastructure for running your applications and data.


Cloud Services: Consulting, Design, Implementation

Every company wants to ensure maximum cost-efficiency of its operations

Building an all-around efficient production environment is never easy. We know all the trials and tribulations of cloud service provider platforms, their features and cloud solutions — and we can configure this infrastructure to meet your project needs


Optimization And Management For Cloud Solutions

Many businesses think that they can build the needed cloud solutions themselves, using the in-house experts or knowledge bases from cloud providers

Unfortunately, this often results in overspending or underperformance and hampers the ongoing company growth. When identifying processes for cloud infrastructure optimization, understanding data tendencies and how to design the solutions for them are delicate operations. Our experience with the analytics allows a proven approach for performance growth for our customers.

Growth With Support

Migrate and integrate your processes to work on a single platform, and enable a seamless experience


Implementation begins with clear strategy and a well thought-out plan. We approach each project with multiple in-depth meetings that allows our consultants and technologists a full grasp of your business’s needs,  it’s current procedures and foreseeable obstacles.

Our team members immerse themselves in your business and apply proven best practices to create a results-focused archetype. We design new business processes, establish the technical vision, and ensure you are able to exist with a maximized experience.

In The Cloud provides the people, process, and technical expertise necessary to design robust, maintainable solutions, and to ensure a smooth migration from legacy systems to a new cloud-based platform. With certified expertise spanning IaaS, PaaS and SaaS solutions, we’ll ensure that all of your systems are integrated seamlessly. We’ll also take care of the “heavy lifting” of migrating your legacy data, and will make sure we cleanse the data as part of the process so that you will be able to derive the clearest insights about your business.

Change is constant. Your business and your customers’ needs will evolve, and technology will continue to be a disruptive, progressive force. To help you remain competitive, and to continually drive innovation within your company, we offer flexible, ongoing support services to help you maintain, enhance, and improve your new solution.

Contact us today and learn how we can get your company on track towards cloud computing.

Let Them Know Why you’re the Best

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Dexter Collier

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Graphic Designer
Bill Gilbert

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Patty Morrison

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Bernard Smith

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In The Cloud Consulting

Flexible cloud environments, infrastructure hosting, and a full suite of reliable managed services and security

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Customized Services

Many vendors provide the same ``off the shelf`` cloud and managed IT infrastructure services. We believe highly customized services meet more of your unique needs and specific business challenges.
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On Or Off-Site Solutions

Expert consultation at all stages either with a team of dedicated consultants, engineers, or project managers available at your location, or remotely. In the cloud can provide high-quality, cost-effective IT infrastructure solutions, personalized to customer needs.
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Here To Help You Control Costs

Controlling costs is more than just getting the lowest vendor price. It's about understanding how to reduce or avoid costs over the life of service and maximizing your IT investment.
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What Are You Waiting For? Get Started Today!

We offer the simplest cloud solutions available. Whether you choose to manage your infrastructure or let us manage everything, you’ll get a strong cloud solution at a cost-effective price, with reliability and service that exceeds industry standards.

Cloud Computing

Cloud Strategy

Data Backups

Data Migration

IT Managed Services




We can help Identify your goals for moving to the cloud and any barriers that might stand in your way.


We modernize infrastructure – architecting and deploying workloads across public, private or hybrid clouds, based on requirements specific to your digital business.


We help technology organizations run smarter – integrating service management, monitoring, and analytics platforms to improve your efficiency, user experience, and security.


If your requirements change, the cloud provider just leverages their infrastructure to accommodate the changes without capital expense or downtime.

In The Cloud Consulting

Consulting, migration and management services for the largest public cloud platforms in the world

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